Update on Red Hill Jet Fuel Leaks

Red Hill Flyer_August 15Get updates on the jet fuel leaks from Red Hill at a public meeting on August 15th 6-8PM Moanalua Middle School.  Panel will include representatives from the Department of Health, Board of Water Supply, and others. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and get more involved.  Click here to RSVP or call 808-538-6616 or email hawaii.chapter@sierraclub.org.In 2014, 27,000 gallons of jet fuel leaked from one of 18 active storage tanks inside Red Hill.  The tanks are located a mere 100 feet above a primary groundwater aquifer for the island of Oʻahu.  Since then, we have learned a lot more about historic leaks from this facility and the least-than-ideal options for its future operations.  The Sierra Club would like to see this fuel storage facility fixed up or shut down.  Learn more at the upcoming public meeting.


Welcome Adriane!


Kirsten Fujitani Joins the Chapter Team