Invest In Hawaiʻi’s Future!
Your generous support makes it possible for the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi to mitigate and adapt to climate change, promote water and food security, protect our fragile environment from lousy development and much more. Your donation will continue our efforts to achieve Hawaiʻi’s 100% renewable energy goal, defend our oceans and forests, and build a more self-reliant and resilient community that prioritizes justice, enhances natural and cultural resources, and protects public health over corporate profit.
100% of your donation will stay in Hawaiʻi and support statewide initiatives at the Chapter or Group level.
Please consider the benefits of a recurring donation. These monthly gifts allow us to have a dependable base of support and reduce banking fees and mailing costs. A generous donation today is a great investment in the future of our islands!
Contributions, donations, gifts, and dues to the Sierra Club are not tax deductible. They support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. (Additional financial and regulatory information.)
If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi, you can do so by clicking here, through the Sierra Club Foundation.
You can also donate your old car, truck, RV, boat or motorcycle as a tax-deductible donation. Learn more here.
Contributions made through the links above will be donated directly to the Hawaiʻi Chapter and will support statewide efforts. If you would like to make a donation to a specific county group, please select the group below:
Leave a lasting legacy by making a commitment today to contribute to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi’s work from your estate.
Planned giving has played a key role in the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi’s environmental success over the years and is a meaningful way to make your indelible mark on the islands you love and ensure your values live on.
Planned gifts can be adapted to fit your unique situation. It can be in the form of a bequest in your will, identifying us as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy, a gift of property, appreciable stock or a charitable remainder trust that gives you income now while providing financial certainty for the Chapter.