Help us turn the tide, support our work today

The Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi’s 2024 Summer Fund Appeal letters should be hitting your mailboxes soon. This season’s letter features an inspirational letter from a long-standing Executive Committee member, Lucienne de Naie.

If you just can’t wait for your mail to read what Lucienne has to share, you can read her letter below.

Please consider making a Summer Fund Appeal gift today or signing up as a monthly donor to support our ongoing grassroots work.

Living in Hawaiʻi isn’t easy—at times it feels like we are fighting a tide that refuses to turn. But when I walk along the stream my community depends upon or lead an outing along our beautiful coasts, I’m reminded of the importance of the work we do. 

And when I reflect upon the over 56 years that the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi has advocated for the integrity of our ʻāina and our people, I am reminded that change is not just possible, but inevitable—as long as we keep persevering. 

You’ve probably read a lot of letters that preach the importance of this year, but the reality is every year is equally as important. And as we approach the brink of climate catastrophe we can’t waste a single moment. 

The Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi continues to take on the challenge. In fact, we are proud to share just some of what we’ve been able to do together:

  • Blocked a state-aided “plantation disaster capitalism” attempt to exploit the Lāhainā tragedies, to take (and waste) even more water from East Maui’s streams by Alexander & Baldwin. We’re also standing with the Maui Komohana community to defend against a similar unfounded water grab under an emergency proclamation;

  • Amplified and brought together community voices across the islands in support of the Water Commission and ending decades of political favoritism and undue influence that have impeded its critical mission. Together, we submitted thousands of pages of testimony and hours of grassroots engagement at the legislature.

  • Brought justice to those poisoned by the Navy’s negligence at Red Hill by holding the Navy accountable for its (in)actions and uplifting the stories of those impacted.

I have been a part of the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi for 30 years. During that time we have seen extraordinary triumphs and great defeats. Continued success isn’t easy and we don’t stand a chance without you. Can you chip in $40, $50 or whatever you can today? 

Together, with your support, we will:

  • Safeguard Hawaiʻi’s streams from corporate exploitation to ensure there is enough water in our streams for ecosystems and communities to flourish, especially in the face of the climate crisis. 

  • Help Lāhainā rebuild in the way the community desires through supporting community-based initiatives, amplifying local voices and holding decision makers in Honolulu accountable to the needs of the people.

  • Protect Oʻahu’s drinking water future by continuing to advocate for the remediation of the ʻāina and wai surrounding Kapūkakī and the complete decommissioning of the Navy’s Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.

  • Uphold Hawaiʻi’s constitution and judicial system that is under threat by the abuse of emergency powers, acts of bad faith by the government itself and underhanded attempts to undermine the law and its protections of the ʻāina and people of Hawaiʻi.

Will you join me today in supporting these goals by making a donation of $25, $40, $50 or more? Your donation today will make a stronger and more resilient Hawaiʻi tomorrow. 

I know I’ve come to you before asking for your support. Trust me, I wouldn’t do it unless it was important and something I wholeheartedly believe in. The truth is none of us have the luxury of not getting involved. And if we all swim together, we will get through the tide and to the other side. 

Dive in with us again by making a gift today and remember, one day the tide will turn. 

Ola i ka wai,

Lucienne de Naie
Executive Committee Member and Maui Group Chair
Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi

P.S. Your donation to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi goes even further thanks to our ability to mobilize volunteers across the islands. Join the movement by making a gift today, 100% of your donation will stay in Hawaiʻi.


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