Protect West Hawai‘i reefs – Submit your testimony by August 22!

The Division of Aquatic Resources is once again considering the issuance of permits for commercial aquarium fish collecting in West Hawai‘i, a practice that has been closed for years to protect our precious reefs. This issue will be heard before the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) this Friday, August 23, and it’s critical that we come together to oppose this harmful proposal.

We need your voice now more than ever. The division is not only seeking to reopen these reefs to commercial exploitation but also attempting to strip the BLNR of its authority by giving sole permitting power to the Chair. This move would silence community voices that have long opposed the aquarium trade, betraying the trust of those who care deeply about Hawai‘i’s marine ecosystems.

Why Your Testimony Matters

Our collective testimonies have made a difference before, and they can do so again. In December, your voices helped secure a unanimous decision to prohibit commercial aquarium collection statewide. Now, the division is trying to undo that progress. We must stand firm and protect our reefs.

How to Take Action

  1. Submit written testimony by Thursday, August 22, 9am

    • Email:

    • Subject Line: Item F-1 OPPOSE Issuing AQ Permits & OPPOSE Delegating Authority to Department Chair

    • Body: Introduce yourself and your connection to West Hawai‘i (e.g., resident, cultural practitioner, diver, etc.). Share your manaʻo on why aquarium permits should not be issued and why the Board, not the Chair, should retain authority over these decisions. Emphasize the benefits of keeping our fish on the reefs over the monetary gains of select people, the importance of fish abundance to healthy reef that protect us from climate change, and how the aquarium trade fundamentally conflicts with local, cultural, and broad social values of our Hawaiʻi home.

    • *If you are interested in also providing verbal testimony in-person or on Zoom, review the agenda here for registration instructions

  2. Spread the word

    • Please forward this email to your friends, family, and networks. Share the call to action on social media to ensure as many voices as possible are heard.

Meeting Details

Date: Friday, August 23 (agenda here)
Time: 9am, and though not in our hands, we will request that the issue be moved up on the agenda
Location: DLNR Board Room, Kalanimoku Building, 1151 Punchbowl Street 1st floor
Zoom link: 

By coming together, we can make a powerful statement against the destructive aquarium trade and protect our reefs for future generations. Mahalo nui loa for your continued advocacy and support.


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