What to do if you think your water is contaminated

As of Thursday, December 2, the Navy has confirmed there is petroleum products in their Red Hill drinking water well but say testing throughout the rest of the system has not yet indicated further contamination. However, on Wednesday, December 1, the Health Department confirmed that "petroleum-like substances" have been found in samples taken from Red Hill Elementary School. Right now we know that the impacted areas area all serviced by the Navy’s water system. You can determine where you get your water by checking your water bill—if it is from the Board of Water Supply, your water is currently safe.

If you believe your water is contaminated here are immediate steps you can take:

  1. Do not use or ingest your water. That includes bathing, laundry and dishes.

  2. Contact the Navy at (808) 448-2570 and the DOH at SDWB@doh.hawaii.gov to report complaints. Please provide your name, phone number, affected address and any details relating to the smell/taste or color in the drinking water.

  3. Consider saving samples of your water in covered glass jars. Reporters are looking for independent labs to test water samples, and you can also take them to government representatives to let them see and smell the contaminated water and assess what is happening, as opposed to relying on official Navy statements.

  4. Document everything you can -- date/time of symptoms, take photos, and keep medical records if you visit the doctor. Documented evidence is critical.

  5. If you are a military dependent, check this website or JBPHH’s Facebook for updates and more information on resources.


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