2021 DOH Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting


Thursday, May 20, 2021
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (all times are listed in HST)
Via Zoom (access code below)
Note: This meeting will start at 9:00 am sharp. The Zoom will be opened at 8:45am. The meeting may not run the entire morning and public comments will be taken at the end of the Advisory Committee member discussions. Public comments can be chatted or presented during the meeting or written comments may be emailed in advance to Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov.

Meeting Objectives

  1. Ensure that all members of the committee, especially new ones, understand the purpose, function, and current efforts of both the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) and Fuel Tank Advisory Committee (FTAC).

  2. Provide summary and recap of last meeting.

  3. Provide updates from the Navy on:

    1. What has transpired and changed since the last meeting

    2. What is being worked on now

    3. What lies ahead

  4. Ensure both members of the FTAC and members of the public have adequate time to ask questions and offer comments and advice.

8:45 am           Zoom Line Opens

9:00 am           Startup – Keith Kawaoka, DOH

9:10 am           Review of Duties of the Committee – Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 342L, Section 62 (restated below)
Committee to focus on field-constructed tanks (FCTs) at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Kuahua Pennisula, Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, and Hickam Pol Annex

9:15 am           Agenda and Format – Peter Adler, Facilitator

9:20 am           May 6, 2021 Release – CAPT Gordie Meyer, U.S. Navy

9:30 am           Role, Function, and Status of Red Hill AOC – Steven Linder, EPA & Roxanne Kwan, DOH

9:45 am           Carry Over Issues and Questions from October 30, 2020 Meeting – Thu Perry, DOH

·         IndoPacific Fuel Study

·         API Tank Inspection Reports

·         GTTNA Study, status and timeline

·         DOH Compliance Inspection of Red Hill

9:50 am           Technical Updates - CAPT Gordie Meyer, U.S. Navy

·         What has been completed since the last FTAC

·         What is the progress

·         Items targeted for completion before the next FTAC

10:20 am         FTAC Committee Discussion – Moderated by Facilitator

10:50 am         Public Questions and Comments – Moderated by Facilitator

11:45 am         Next Meeting – Thu Perry, DOH

12:00 pm        Adjourn


Attention:  If you require an auxiliary aid or accommodation due to a disability, by 12:00 noon, on May 14, 2021, please contact (808) 586‑4226 (voice/tty) or email Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov.  We do not automatically provide this service.  If a request is received after this date and time, we will try to obtain auxiliary aid/service or accommodation, but we cannot guarantee that the request will be fulfilled.

Virtual Meeting Specifications
Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: FTAC
Date/Time: May 20, 2021 09:00 AM Hawaii
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 962 7257 5845
Passcode: 900626
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aenyLo1uXI
Connectivity Issues:  The meeting will be recessed when audio communication cannot be maintained with a quorum of members and will be terminated when audio communication cannot be reestablished with a quorum of members.
Public Comment:  In order to reduce the chance of overloading the video conferencing system, members of the public will be asked to turn off their cameras and microphones upon entering the meeting.  They will be asked to turn on their cameras and microphones when it is their turn to provide verbal public comment.
Written Testimony:  Written testimony may be submitted to Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov no later than 12 Noon on May 19, 2021. Members of the public may also express their desire to comment by  entering their name into the “chat” during the public comment portion of the agenda.  Each public comment will be limited to two (2) minutes each.
Red Hill and AOC background available at https://www.epa.gov/red-hill and https://health.hawaii.gov/shwb/ust-red-hill-project-main/

Documents on previous FTAC meetings

HRS 342L-62  Duties.  (a)  The advisory committee shall study issues related to leaks of field-constructed underground fuel storage tanks at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Kuahua Peninsula, Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, Hickam Pol Annex, and Schofield Barracks Military Reservation. The advisory committee shall consider:

(1)   The short- and long- term effects of leaks of the fuel tanks, including effects relating to the health of residents, safe drinking water, and the environment;

(2)   Response strategies to mitigate the effects of leaks from fuel tanks;

(3)   Methods to improve communication between the United States Navy, Air Force, and Army; the State; any local board of water supply; and the public in the event of leak of any fuel tank;

(4)   Groundwater test results in relation to the surrounding areas of fuel tank facilities, with a particular emphasis on the groundwater near the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility;

(5)   The implications of shutting down any fuel tank facility; and

(6)   Updates on progress toward meeting goals of agreement between the State, the affected country, and the federal government.

(b)  No later than twenty days before the convening of each regular session, the advisory committee shall submit a report of its findings, including groundwater test results, and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the legislature.  [L 2016, c 244, pt of §2]


Here’s the scoops from May 20th meeting on Red Hill


Once leaky, always leaky: Red Hill leaks again