Once leaky, always leaky: Red Hill leaks again

By now, you’ve probably heard: a pipe at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility leaked 1,000 gallons last Thursday night. No one is surprised the facility leaked but everyone, rightfully so, is outraged about this latest leak—that is everyone except the Navy, which seems to think this is just part of operating a facility like this. 

We’re not surprised because the Navy’s risk assessment of the facility found a 27.6% chance that 1,000-30,0000 gallons of fuel will leak every year. The exact cause of the new leak remains unknown and it will take days (maybe longer) for the Hawaiʻi Department of Health to conduct its own investigation. The Navy reported that the released fuel was contained and that no fuel reached the environment, including the aquifer just 100 feet below. But we have been at this too long to just take the Navy’s word for it. We are working hard right now to verify every fact and hold both the Navy and the Health Department accountable to the public.

In light of the new leak on Thursday, we are expediting the next phase in our efforts to shut down the crumbling Red Hill facility and relocate the fuel away from Oʻahu’s main drinking water source. The details will be public soon, but to be successful we need your help

Since the previous leak in 2014, we have dedicated ourselves to safeguarding the future of Oʻahu’s drinking water -- we sued twice (and won!), participated in every task force, consultation, and comment opportunity, testified on every bill, and we are currently challenging the proposed permit to the Navy to operate the facility. At every twist and turn over the last seven years, it was people like you supporting our work that made the difference. Can we count on you to back us up again in this new effort?

It is outrageous that we have to fight this hard to keep our water safe from military fuel. But there is too much at stake to let up now. Please get ready now for a renewed, concentrated effort to shut down the Red Hill fuel tanks -- make sure your email address is up-to-date, paint your protest signs, sign up to receive urgent updates by text message, share this email with your networks so they can join the effort, and yes, if you can please donate to save Oʻahu’s water supply. 

We’ll update you as soon as we have more. In the meantime, be sure to spread the word of this latest leak and the inherent danger the Red Hill facility poses to the health and well-being of Oʻahu with your friends, family and anyone who will listen. 


2021 DOH Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting


Red Hill Fuel tanks leak again, warning of what's to come