People Over Profits Rally 2016

UPDATED JANUARY 20, 2016 at 4:45:The “People Over Profits” message unites broad progressive coalition, as hundreds converge at Hawai‘i's CapitolIMG_2303Honolulu, HI (Wednesday January 20, 2016) -- The People Over Profits Rally 2016 demonstrated the importance of valuing people and the planet over the interests of large corporations exploiting workers and the environment for private profit.Hundreds of people from all walks of life joined in a rally of more than 30 diverse organizations pushing for more progressive policies in Hawaii, including better protection of our environment, more limitations on the use of pesticides, housing for the homeless, a higher minimum wage, and respect for the rights of Native Hawaiians.“The common theme from all the groups present at the Capitol today was: people first,” said Marti Townsend, Director for the Sierra Club of Hawaii.  “The people of Hawaii have a right to a clean environment, safe working conditions, and basic housing. Corporations do not have a right to profit at our expense.”“The four international speakers for food justice highlighted for us just how connected we are across vast oceans,” said Gary Hooser, Executive Director for Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA). “We are all working towards the controls on industrial agriculture, the same protections for our air and water, the same bright future for our children.”KuiKalo - 10The event featured speakers from Mexico, Nigeria, Malaysia, and Switzerland, performances by students from various charter schools, live music by Liko Martin and Laulani Teale, Jammerek, Hanohano Naehu, and Paul Izak, as well as speakers from more than 30 different organizations concerned with the environment, Native Hawaiian rights, housing, prison reform, reproductive rights, workers’ rights, pesticide controls, wildlife protections, and local control over electrical utilities.The rally followed “Ku‘i at the Capitol,” a separate event hosted by Hui Aloha Aina Momona that supported more than 700 people in the unique experience of pounding taro into poi using a traditional pohaku (stone) and papaku‘i‘ai (poi board).  People Not Profits 2016 FINAL


#DivestHawaii 2016


Hawai‘i Supreme Court rules in favor of Ho‘opili