Divesting Hawai‘i's tax dollars from all fossil fuels will help protect our planet from devastating climate change and public workers' pensions from crippling financial losses.  Local legislators are considering two bills in 2016 that would help divest Hawai‘i from fossil fuels.  SB2155 and HB1511 are currently working their way through the legislative process.  You can show your support for divesting Hawai‘i by adding your name to this petition:

I believe investing taxpayers’ money in oil, gas and coal companies undermines Hawai‘i’s commitment to 100 percent renewable energy by 2045.Our kuleana is to honor the ‘aina by rejecting the fossil fuels which cause climate change.Investing in fossil fuels is financially risky and more than 500 public institutions have divested more than $3.4 trillion from fossil fuels.Our state has a responsibility to leave a livable world for our keiki.That is why I ask the State of Hawai‘i to take all state funds out of oil, gas and coal investments.

[emailpetition id="2"]Now, tweet it from the mountain tops and help build strong support for divesting Hawai‘i from fossil fuels.  Want to learn more about the movement to divest us all from fossil fuels? Click here. 

And now for something completely different

From the students that brought you the highly successful DivestUH, enjoy this mini-movie to save us all:

"We don't want to diiiiie"


Restore Public Water to Streams on Maui


People Over Profits Rally 2016