Support Moʻomomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Rules

From our friends at Kuaʻāina Ulu ʻAuamo:

After many, many years the Moʻomomi community-based subsistence fishing area (CBSFA) rule package is scheduled for public hearing(s) on Wednesday August 19th, 2020!!

It was the community-based natural resource management efforts at Moʻomomi, Moloka’i that inspired creation of the community-based subsistence fishing area law and the first convening of E Alu Pū back in 2003.  E Alu Pū has grown from just over 10 community mālama ʻāina initiatives to over 40.

Due to COVID-19 concerns public administrative hearings are going to be different but we can adapt.

We encourage you to do two things:

1)     Submit written testimony (DLNR is accepting them NOW) and

2)     Sign up to participate in one of the two hearing options for August 19: online and/or in person.

Moʻomomi rule package information and testimony templates/talking points are attached.

It’s our sense that signing up for online testimony is likely to be the most impactful. It’s also safer due to COVID-19 concerns. But if you have concerns about your zoom or internet access you can testify in-person on your island. You can also reach out to us if you would like some training on zoom. Please contact to set up a training session.

Hearing & Testimony Info:


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