Letter: Officials ignore Red Hill tank problems


Letter: Officials ignore Red Hill tank problems

September 30, 2018  | Updated September 28, 2018 8:47pmMany futurists predict that clean water will become the focus of national and international attention in the coming years.I am appalled that the great danger to one of Honolulu’s major drinking water supplies has been virtually buried beneath other governmental concerns by our local and federal government officials. Recent tests show that for at least one of the metal fuel storage tanks at Red Hill, the metal could be more corroded than previously suspected (“Red Hill fuel tank corrosion worse than expected,” Star-Advertiser, Sept. 26).These tanks can store up to 250 million gallons of fuel. What have our elected and other government officials been doing about the problem since it was first discovered in the 1990s?The answer is very little. Clean water is second only to oxygen on the list of human necessities. Clean water from our aquifers is one of the hallmarks of Hawaii health. Let’s vigorously complain to our government officials. Enough is enough!Robert TaylorNuuanu


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