COVID-19 Gardens

COVID-19 is #toughtimes. But it has also forced us to reevaluate the way in which we live our lives, what we prioritize and the way our government and support systems work (for better or worse). One trend that emerged of the Stay at Home Orders, was home and community gardens! We were impressed to see and hear about your gardens and are excited to share a few with you now.

From Hokulani Beale, a “first-time gardener at 38”:

From AJ Jaeger, “During this time of staying at home, my son helped me start a garden and his daughter helped plant seeds. Our melons are going crazy!”

From Vince Costello at the Mānoa Community Gardens:

Randy Ching proudly showing off his banana patch:

Aunty Deb Ward’s farm harvest, friends and foes:


Tomatoes, native plants and succulents galore! From Tanya Dreizin and Chris:

The Townsend-Hussey Garden & Food Forest:


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Honolulu City Council CARES