Did you know? SB2510 is on the Governor’s veto list!
Good news! SB2510 is on the Governor’s veto list…but still needs you to take action!
A literal sigh of relief has come to many of those who’ve been emailing, calling, and spreading the word about the horrific consequences that SB2510–establishing a number of unnecessary thresholds for ‘firm’ renewable energy- could have on our clean energy transition.
On Monday, June 27 the Governor included SB2510 on his "Notice of Intent to Veto" list, commenting that he "could not find a single reason to support" this "misguided" measure. He now has until July 12 to follow through with an actual veto.
As usual, there is work to do to make sure SB2510 is gone for good. Now there are just a few weeks left to cross the finish line. Please join us in thanking the Governor for including this bill on his intent to veto list, and urging him to follow through by actually vetoing this problematic bill.
Remind him that SB2510 will foreclose a sustainable future for our islands, requiring most islands to turn to biomass as the source of one-third of their renewable energy portfolio – regardless of the impacts this may have on our land, water, and air – while putting the brakes on the development of new solar energy sources