New Feature! Wayne’s Sierra Club World
By Wayne Tanaka, Chapter Director | 2 minutes
"There is so much 💩 about to hit the fan right now. Bring your helmet, dude!"
This was the text I received from our beloved Marti Townsend, the night before my first day as the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi’s newest Chapter Director. As I would soon find out, and as you will see reading through this month's Mālama, she was not exaggerating.
Wayne Tanaka, Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi’s new Director
My first two weeks on the job have been nothing short of a nonstop whirlwind of action: press conferences, press interviews, lawsuits, public hearings, webinars, an inaugural energy justice newsletter, community meetings, and meetings with public officials, volunteers, and longtime supporters of the Club — on top of a Chapter executive committee meeting, conference calls with National staff and other Chapter directors, and, as I gear up for my third week on the job, reporting out to you, our Chapter's members and friends.
Throughout it all, I have been both astounded and supremely grateful for the tireless work of Marti, our staff, and our volunteers, keeping the Chapter's well-oiled machine of advocacy, education, and community service running, while patiently showing me the ropes behind everything that we do.
And the more I learn, the prouder and more excited I am, to be given this incredible opportunity to serve as the Club's director. Because now more than ever, I understand how important it is for the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi, and all of us — members, volunteers, and staff — to carry out our most important efforts: asking the hard questions no one else is asking, navigating regulatory frameworks and nuanced political landscapes, and lifting up the issues that we should all care about -- all while dreaming and striving toward a better Hawaiʻi and a better world for our children and future generations to enjoy.
I look forward to sharing more thoughts and reflections with you in future months. In the meantime, and as a final note, I'd like to express my deepest gratitude to our volunteers, members and supporters — the heart of our organization — for all that you have done and continue to do for the Sierra Club, for our environment, and for these islands that we call home. Mahalo nunui, for helping to carry us to where we are today.
Me ka haʻahaʻa,
Wayne Chung Tanaka, Chapter Director
November 2021