We are hiring a Conservation Program Coordinator

The planet and its people need urgent help. If you are ready to work the hardest you ever have to empower the people of Hawaiʻi to protect their best interests, fix a fundamentally flawed system, and set our islands on the path to true health, wealth, and self-reliance, then this is the job for you.The Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi is hiring a Conservation Program Coordinator to spearhead our grassroots organizing efforts across the Hawaiian Islands. This is a demanding job that requires a wide range of skills and experience in everything from database management and tedious desk work to planting taro, rallying community members at the state capitol, and explaining complex issues to neighbors and allies affected by decisions being made about their communities.The Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi works to protect freshwater supplies underground and in streams, democratize our electrical grid to ensure a just transition to a 100% renewable energy future, protect our ocean resources from exploitation, and reduce our waste production to zero. In this role you will work to build community support through various campaigns for the protection of Hawaiʻi's unique ecosystems and the culture that relies on them. Strong experience in local advocacy or political campaign organizing, great writing skills, and attention to detail are critical to excel in this position. To apply, complete the application form at this link by August 4, 2017: bit.ly/2tdRd0I


Sierra Club Sues Department of Health Over Underground Storage Tanks


Speed up work on Red Hill tanks