E komo mai, Wayne!
By Marti Townsend | 1.5 minutes
Wayne Tanaka, our new Chapter Director!
When my son was 9 years old, he learned to fish from none other than Wayne Tanaka. I watched the two of them together as they studied waves, tied lines, and made educated guesses on where best to cast. It was in those moments that I saw Wayne’s love for Hawaiʻi’s unique environment and his commitment to perpetuating what makes Hawaiʻi unique in the world. It is my honor beyond words to pass the responsibility of directing the Sierra Club’s Hawaiʻi Chapter to this man, Mr. Keiki ʻO Ka ʻāina to da Max!
Wayne is both brilliant and very cost-effective. He is an engineer and a lawyer. At the same time!! That is the best 2-fer I have ever seen! Way to win at the game of life, Sierra Club!
Wayne is also well-respected and very well-connected. We all know that in our island community, it is as much about who you know as what you know. And Wayne knows ever’boda! And ubiquitous amongst them all is a respect for Wayne as a hard worker, and a principled man.
Let’s also not forget the star-power that Wayne brings to our mission to save the planet. Unlike any previous director of our chapter, Wayne comes to us “pre-famous.” Wayne maintains his very own, quite delicious cooking show on The Instagram (For reals, Wayne shares videos of his best homemade dishes from local resources, you should totally follow him!). With this kind of skill and following, there is nowhere Sierra Club could go but up.
Wayne is a real-life superhero--a force for good--standing up for the things we all love about Hawaiʻi. His smarts and big heart are unparalleled. The Sierra Club and Hawaiʻiʻs environment are in such good hands with Wayne!
Wayne rescuing a Noio, a native shoreline bird
Please join me in welcoming Wayne to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi! 👏🏾 👏 👏🏽
Also join me in sincerely thanking:
The Sierra Club Hiring Team: Kauʻi Pratt-Aquino, Denise Antolini, Lucienne de Naie, David Kimo Frankel, & Colin Yost
The Hawaiʻi Chapter Ex-com: Jade, Lucienne, Colin, Kauʻi, Michael, Katie, Nate, Debbie, Clare, & Dana
This has been the best transition yet!