Sleigh it ain’t so, free native trees!

by Kirsten Kagimoto and Tanya Dreizin | Reading time: 1.5 minutes

We’re hoping to make your holiday season even greener this year! Join us on Saturday, December 10 at James Campbell High School for a special holiday free native plant drive as part of our Virtual Tree Planting program. We’ll be giving away alaheʻe and other native species that you can use as an alternative to imported christmas trees as well as species that thrive in pots—perfect gifts for your loved ones, no matter where they live!

The tree-mendous threat of imported trees

Every year, Hawaiʻi imports hundreds of thousands of christmas trees. These trees are unfortunately the perfect hiding place for invasive species that threaten Hawaiʻi’s native ecosystem and come with a huge carbon footprint, adding to the already threatening climate crisis.

This year, with the help from our friends at Hui Kū Maoli Ola, we want to help you branch out of the imported christmas tree “tradition” and instead start a new one using native alaheʻe or any species that you like! You can either keep it in a pot and use it year after year as it grows or if you have the space you can plant it in the ground to let it do its thing and sequester carbon.

Perfect gifts for your fronds and family

The holiday season can be a very consumer, carbon and waste heavy time of the year. Native plants (especially free ones) make the perfect cost efficient, carbon negative, waste free holiday gifts for your loved ones.

Whether you are looking to start your new christmas tree tradition or grab a native plant for a gift for yourself or a loved one—we can’t wait to see you!

When: Saturday, December 10 from 9am - 12pm (or until we run out of trees).
Add it to your Google calendar using this link!
Where: James Campbell High School, 91-980 North Rd, Ewa Beach, HI 96706
Who: Yourself, friends and family!


Wayne’s Sierra Club World


Group News: Hawaiʻi Island, Maui and Oʻahu