“Tainted Waters: Art for Truth” Art and Poetry Contest

The Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi would like to invite keiki and ‘ōpio from all islands to participate in the art contest Tainted Waters: Art for Truth. We’re looking for aspiring artists and poets from grades K-12! This is your chance to show off your creativity and dedication to the ‘āina and wai. The purpose of this contest is to bring awareness to the injustices around the US Navy’s Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility. Red Hill fuel leaks poisoned thousands and left the future of Oʻahu's drinking water uncertain. Join youth artists from across the pae ʻāina in protecting our sacred wai (water) in this art + poetry contest.

The theme of our contest is “Confronting Reality, Rising in Resistance.” We invite you to share with us how you interpret the theme. What are ways you protect water? Why is water worth fighting for? What is the future of water? These are some questions you can ask yourself to spark ideas for your artwork. 

Submissions Deadline: April 30, 2025 (previously March 24, 2025)

Lower Elementary: grades K-2
Upper Elementary: grades 3-5
Middle School: grades 6-8
High School: grades 9-12

Prizes: $300 first prize, $200 second prize, $100 third prize


  • This contest is open to both visual artwork and poetry. First place winners and runners up will be chosen in either poetry or visual art.  

  • Artwork and poetry must reflect the theme, “Confronting Reality, Rising in Resistance” in some way. However, these words do not need to appear in the artwork or poetry itself. 

  • For visual artwork submissions, we will accept digital, fiber, ceramic, sculpture, painting and ink mediums. Please be prepared to submit a high-quality image of your artwork for our review.

  • For poetry submissions, we will accept mele, free verse or metered poetry, and song lyrics. Poetry in languages other than English are welcome, please provide a translation. Please limit poetry submissions to one poem that is 2 pages or less. 

  • Students must create their own artwork/poetry. No AI generated or plagiarized work will be accepted.

  • Artwork or poetry that includes hate speech or hateful content will not be accepted.

  • Students may submit up to two entries. For example, you may submit one poem and one drawing, or two drawings. 

  • All entries (both emailed and mailed) must be accompanied by submission of this google form

  • All entries must include the student’s name, grade and school. For emailed submissions, please include this information on the file name. For mailed submissions, please include this information on the back of the artwork or poem.

How to Submit

  1. Fill out this entry form (required for all emailed and mailed entries)

  2. Choose an entry option

  • Email your submission to SierraClubArtContest@gmail.com. Please include the student’s name, grade, and school in the file name (For example: Emalia Diaz.3rd grade.KamalieAcademy). For poetry submissions, please save files in PDF form. For visual art submissions, please include a high quality photo of your artwork.

  • Mail your submission to Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi, PO Box 2577 Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, 96803. Please include the studentʻs name, grade and school on the back of the artwork or poem. Please note that original artwork/poems may not be returned.

Rights & Licensing

By submitting an entry, an entrant assures that the artwork/poem is an original work, and the entrant is the sole owner of all rights to the work. An entrant also agrees to allow the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi to post their artwork/poem, name, and grade on the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi website and social media platforms without compensation unless prohibited. Each entrant retains his/her/their rights to their work but grants to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi a royalty-free, world-wide, perpetual, non-exclusive license to publicly display, distribute, reproduce and create derivative works of the artwork/poem, in whole or in part, in any media now existing or later developed, for any Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi purpose, including, but not limited to, advertising and promotion. 


Group News: Hawaiʻi Island Group, Maui, and Oʻahu


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