Litigation station: Court fails the forgotten streams

By Marti Townsend | Reading time: 1 minute

The first circuit court ruled last month that the Department of Land and Natural Resources can allow 13 streams of East Maui to be drained dry most of the time. Ignoring the amount of water that is currently wasted, the court concluded that allowing for expansion of agricultural opportunities is more important than protecting any of these streams. Although A&B’s own consultant concluded that 85% of the expected habitat is destroyed by A&B’s diversions, the court concluded that the harm is only “potential” and in any case not permanent.

One way or another we are going to secure meaningful protections for these 13 forgotten streams. Click here to be kept up to date on our next steps as they are announced.

This case is a big deal for us, it took a lot of resources, time, and passion. As we assess what to do next, please let us know you have our back with a donation in support of public interest litigation. These donations are tax deductible and go a long way in ensuring the health and well-being of Hawaiʻi's imperiled native ecosystems and unique culture.

We will continue to fight for the protection of our precious stream systems and environment and I thank you in advance for being right there alongside us.


Final month for utility shutoff moratorium


Group News: Hawaiʻi Island, Kauaʻi