Sierra Club Endorses Brian Schatz for Senate

Sen. Brian Schatz and Family

News Advisory

Contact: Robert D. Harris, 808.220.4306September 1, 2013FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Sierra Club Endorses Senator Brian Schatz

Honolulu, Hawai`i –  Today, Hawaii’s largest grassroots environmental organization announced its official endorsement of Senator Brian Schatz for the 2014 U.S. Senate election. Members and leaders of the Sierra Club cited the Senator’s commitment to clean energy and long history of environmental leadership as the central reason for the endorsement, and pledged to lend its volunteer strength to the Schatz campaign. The vote to endorse Senator Brian Schatz was unanimous.“We are very pleased to announce the Sierra Club endorses Brian Schatz for Senate,” said Robert Harris, Director of the Sierra Club of Hawaii. “Senator Schatz is exactly the kind of clean energy leader Hawaii and America need. His commitment to homegrown, clean energy is second-to-none. Based on his lengthy background in working to protect Hawaii’s environment, we are confident he is the best choice to protect Hawaii families’ health, air and water, and build a clean energy economy that works for our state.”“I am committed to expanding Hawaii’s clean energy sector,” said Senator Brian Schatz. “By working to grow our clean energy economy, we will create good-paying jobs, strengthen our national security, and ensure that our children and the next generation of Hawaii families inherit a healthy environment. I thank the Sierra Club for this endorsement and look forward to working with this organization and its membership on achieving a clean energy future.”The Sierra Club is proud to stand among many other community organizations supporting Senator Schatz, including the Blue America PAC, Boilermakers Local 204, Council for a Livable World, Drywall, Tapers and Finishers Local 1944, Elevator Constructors Local 126, Glaziers Local 1889, Hawaii Building & Construction Trades Council, Hawaii American Postal Workers Union, Hawaii Fire Fighters Association, Hawaii Government Employees Association, Heat and Frost Insulators Local 132, IBEW Local 1186, IBEW Local 1260, Iron Workers Local 625, League of Conservation Voters, MoveOn, National Association of Letter Carriers, National Association of Postal Supervisors, National Weather Service Employees Organization, Ocean Champions, Painters and Allied Trades Local 1791, Plumbers Local 675, Roofers Local 221, State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers, Teamsters Local 996, United Food and Commercial Workers Union, and the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly.[Pau]# # # #


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