Sierra Club Committed to Saving Farmland Despite Koa Ridge Groundbreaking Today

HONOLULU, HAWAIʻI (November 2, 2017) -- Today, Castle & Cooke Hawaiʻi broke ground on Koa Ridge after over 15 years of opposition from the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi, Save Oʻahu Farmland Alliance, and many other opponents. This development is being built on prime farmland that has an abundance of clean freshwater and fertile soils.1“While we are ultimately disappointed that the Koa Ridge development has officially broke ground, we will continue our fight against the conversion of actively used farmland into suburban housing,” says Marti Townsend, director of the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi imports more than 80% of the food it consumes.2 Now, more than ever Hawaiʻi work to protect its remaining agricultural lands, especially in the light of climate change and increasingly strong and frequent storms. To withstand this uncertain shift in climate, Hawaiʻi must double down on its efforts now to produce more of its own food. “This is about our survival,” said Sierra Club volunteer Randy Ching.  “Preserving Hawaiʻi’s remaining farmlands, especially on Oʻahu, is essential to a more resilient and sustainable Hawaiʻi.  And that means concentrating future housing construction in the urban core of downtown Honolulu,” Ching added. “Our members and supporters fought hard against this development of agricultural lands. Though it is moving forward there is still work to be done. The Sierra Club and partners will do everything we can to ensure it is built in the most sustainable ways -- everything clean energy to complete streets. We invite others to join us in this effort” says Townsend.


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