Pest quarantine rules support small business

Thank you to everyone that emailed Board of Agriculture Chair Hurd and urging her to send the pest quarantine rules to the Small Business Regulatory Review Board—your voice made a difference and the rules are on the review board's agenda for this Thursday (agenda here). 

Please take a moment now and ask the board to pass the proposed rule amendments to Governor Green for final adoption. Sample testimony and details below:

Email testimony to by Wednesday, November 20 at 10am
Subject line: Testimony re: 3B - Department of Agriculture Pest Quarantine Rules
Sample testimony: 

Aloha Chair Shick, Vice-Chairs Albitz and Morioka, and members of the Small Business Regulatory Review Board, 

The proposed rule amendments to Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules Title 4 Chapter 72, brought to you by the Department of Agriculture, are essential for protecting our islands’ agriculture, natural resources, cultural practices, public health, and economy - including and espeically our local small businesses. 

By preventing the movement of pest-infested plants and materials, these rules will better safeguard local farms, nurseries, and landscaping businesses from costly infestations. They will also help maintain consumer trust in local products and reduce the financial burden of pest management. Importantly, preserving Hawaiʻi’s natural beauty and ecosystems also supports tourism-related small businesses, which depend on healthy, thriving environments and native species that make Hawaiʻi such a unique and special place to visit.

These rules will create a level playing field for all businesses, help to ensure long-term economic stability in our local industries, and protect our communities from the myriad devastating impacts of invasive pests. I urge you to recommend these amendments to Governor Green for final adoption, to secure a sustainable future for Hawaiʻi’s small businesses, ʻāina, and communities.

Mahalo for your consideration. 

[Your name]


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