Changemaker Training Series: Talking about climate, building community, and pressuring the Biden Administration

Nervous to talk about climate change? Unsure how to have the biggest impact on environmental, racial and economic justice now that Congressional control is split between Democrats and Republicans?

Join the Sierra Club for a training series to get a 6-week crash course in how to effectively communicate about these issues, share your story to advocate for change, build community with other activists, and influence the Biden Administration to take the boldest action possible.

If you're reading this, you're likely concerned about climate change, the state of our democracy, the injustice of corporations poisoning our most vulnerable communities, and much more.

But a lot of us struggle to know how to talk about these issues with friends and family, and how to most effectively pressure decision makers or advocate for change.

With a split Congress, our best opportunity to win the boldest action possible is through executive branch agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Interior (DOI), Department of Energy (DOE), and others. They have the authority and responsibility to create public health standards and enact policies that protect us from harmful pollution in the air we breathe and water we drink, and to advance climate, racial, and economic justice across the country.

With this training series, we will break up participants into small groups as a way to build community and process the curriculum, ask each other questions, and dig into the materials. You may apply with an existing group of friends, neighbors, or fellow activists to go through the program together, or we can help connect you with other participants to form a cohort.

At the end of this training series you will be invited to bring what you’ve learned to your community and beyond, whether through your local chapter or campaign or a national distributed team. You can use this link to sign up today!

Each training will be held virtually on Wednesdays at 7pm ET / 4pm PT for two hours, from January 25 - March 1.

Training Overview:

Week 1: Current opportunities & what’s at stake

Week 2: Our vision for a just and equitable world

Week 3: How to talk about the issues that matter to us

Week 4: Storytelling & narrative in practice

Week 5: Tactics to make change happen

Week 6: Taking action and sharing your story

DEADLINE TO SIGN UP: End of the day, Sunday, January 15, 2023

Want more information before you sign up? Reach out to us at


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