Leave your legacy: ways to give

Mālama i ka honua, cherish the earth. Create a lasting legacy by giving back to the life-sustaining environment. Here are some of the ways you can support the Sierra Club of Hawai‘i’s work to do just that, now and in the future:

Annual giftsEvery year, more than 500 people make a mission-sustaining gift to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi. These gifts made directly to the Chapter support our efforts to establish laws and policies protecting our environment, including professional lobbying at the State Capitol and county councils, direct engagement with state and county agency officials, and hosting events to recruit new advocates throughout the Hawaiian Islands. You can make these gifts here or mail a check to P.O. Box 2577, Honolulu, HI 96803Monthly supportWe are working towards 120 monthly donors to cover the recurring expenses of our statewide operation, including rent, cable, and supplies. We are more than halfway to our goal with 80 monthly donors giving between $10 and $20 every month. These gifts can be set up on our secure online donation platform at sierraclubhawaii.org/donate-2 or call our office at 808-538-6616.Tax-deductible donationsMost gifts made directly to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi are not tax-deductible because the Sierra Club is a 501(c)4 organization that engages in direct lobbying, elections, and other highly effective advocacy that the IRS does not recognize to be “charitable.”  However, it is possible to make a tax-deductible gift to the Hawaiʻi Chapter via the Sierra Club Foundation. These gifts support public interest litigation and charitable outreach and education efforts. To learn more about these gifts, you can call (415) 995-1780  or email foundation@sierraclubfoundation.org. Learn more on their website at sierraclubfoundation.orgPlanned giftsLeave a lasting legacy by making a commitment today to contribute to the Sierra Club’s work after you pass away. Planned gifts can be adapted to fit your unique situation. It can be in the form of a bequest in your will, identifying us a beneficiary on your life insurance policy, a gift of property, appreciable stock, or a charitable remainder trust that gives you income now while providing financial certainty for the Chapter. The Gift Planning staff at the Sierra Club’s national office are available to help you understand all the ways you can support our work in Hawaiʻi. Contact  giftplanning@sierraclub.org or 800-932-4270.

Hear the giving stories of a few of our legacy donors and their inspiration behind giving to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi.A  legacy, a gift, a true commitment to our protect our homeBy Roberta Brashear-KaulfersI was introduced to Hawaiʻi Chapter as an outings leader in 1986 by Jim Waddington when we started a hiking Club at Hawaiʻi Pacific College. Exploring our beautiful ʻāina was something I immediately wanted to do to perpetuate the sustainability of our beautiful islands. From that day on, my life has been intertwined with all that the Sierra Club does to protect our planet. I went from participating in hikes, to leading them, and then eventually serving on both the Chapter and Moku Loa Group Executive Committees for 30 years. During this time, I purchased several parcels of land on the Big Island, where I live now. Because of the significant value the Sierra Club has given my life, I wanted to give something of value back. I chose to dedicate one of these parels in my will to the Sierra Club. Land is a tangible asset and something to be protected. Giving it to the Sierra Club after my time on earth, means the work I am so proud of will continue. I was able to make this gift through the Sierra Club’s Rachel Carson Society, where one can arrange to donate appreciable stock, land, cash, and other equities. If you value Hawaiʻi’s unique environment, if you appreciate the Club’s work, then I urge you to make a meaningful donation now and in the future to the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi. To continue the great work that it is doing, the Chapter needs to have a steady income source. This steady income comes from regular gifts, planned giving, and monthly donations. Monthly donations are a great way to make a big impact at a level comfortable to you. Monthly giving helps to cover the expenses that keep us functioning, like keeping the lights on and helping us rent our office space. Just think, what you spend in coffee over a day or two, could help to keep the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi going for a month. It really does make a difference! And with a little planning ahead, you can leave a major gift to the Chapter to ensure there is staff to help on all the main Hawaiian Islands. The staff at the National Sierra Club can help you make a planned gift through a wide variety of options like appreciable stock, land, charitable remainder trusts, and more. The Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi is doing well now because several donors and Rachel Carson members designated gifts to the Chapter in their wills. Please consider all the ways you can help the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi continue its great work after we are gone. 


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