CapitolWatch 2022
By Kirsten Kagimoto | Reading time: 0.5 minutes
We are just one short week out from the start of the 2022 Legislative Session. Due to COVID-19, the capitol building remains closed which means your virtual participation is as important as ever. Take a couple minutes over this next week to prepare for the upcoming session by:
Signing up for CapitolWatch alerts to stay in the know about our priority bills and to receive email updates, calls to action, sample testimony and talking points
Registering (or dig out your log in information) for a Capitol website account
This will be the primary means of submitting testimony and how you can track your priority bills. Like last year, email testimony will likely not be counted as formal testimony.
Bookmarking our CapitolWatch website for updates and important resources
CapitolWatch is our long-standing legislative watch dog program. Through our CapitolWatch program we aim to demystify the legislative process and provide an up-to-date, easy to navigate source on environmental justice legislation for our members and supporters like you.