Testify on Red Hill bill & reso at Honolulu City Council

Big things on Red Hill happening at the Honolulu City Council this week! ICYMI, a bill requiring underground storage tanks over 100,000 gallons to be permitted only if the tank or tank system is guaranteed not to leak and a resolution urging the permanent removal and relocation of the Red Hill storage tanks.

The council is holding a special hearing this Wednesday, December 15, at 10AM to discuss Bill 48 and Resolution 21-276. ⁠I urge you to submit testimony on both by Tuesday, December 14.

Oʻahu’s communities have already begun and will continue facing the impacts of this crisis for many, many years to come. Just last week, Board of Water Supply’s Ernie Lau said that the Hālawa shaft – which was shut down as a precaution following the Navy’s Red Hill well contamination – could be shut down for years, even permanently. We will have to deal with the long-term impacts of this crisis while the possibility of a greater catastrophe looms, all while Navy officials cycle in and out every 3-5 years leaving behind the damage that they contributed to during their terms. ⁠

This is a chance for us to stress the impacts that the existence of leaky Red Hill tanks have on our families and communities now and for generations to come. A chance for us to ensure that elected officials finally do what’s right for and are held accountable to the people they serve.⁠

How to submit testimony: 

Written testimony can be submitted online here. Sample testimony for both the bill and reso included below. You can also find additional talking points here.

Hearing Date:
Council/PH Committee: Council/public hearing
Agenda Item: Bill 48
Position: Support

Aloha Chair Waters, Vice Chair Kiaʻāina, and Councilmembers,

As a resident of Oʻahu and a water drinker, I strongly support Bill 48, requiring any operator of underground storage tanks with a capacity of 100,000 gallons or more, to obtain a permit from the City. It further stipulates that no permit will be granted unless the applicant proves that the tank or tank system will not leak regulated substances into the environment. We simply cannot permit underground storage tanks of that capacity or larger that pose such immense threat of leaking and contaminating our environment and water supply.

[Share your personal story and how you and your community have been impacted. That personal connection you feel to wanting our water protected holds a lot of weight with decision makers.]

The Red Hill facility – the fragile, antiquated fuel tanks and supporting systems – has a long history of leaking fuel into the surrounding environment and has already contaminated Oʻahu’s primary drinking water aquifer. Shutting down Red Hill immediately and entirely is the only way to guarantee the safety of our water and our people. 

Thank you for the opportunity to testify and for taking up this important measure at the council.


<Your Name>


Hearing Date: 12/15/2021
Council/PH Committee: Council/public hearing
Agenda Item: Resolution 21-276
Position: Support

Aloha Chair Waters, Vice Chair Kiaʻāina, and Councilmembers,

As a resident of Oʻahu and a water drinker, I strongly support Resolution 21-276, urging the permanent removal and relocation of the U.S. Navy Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility underground storage tanks. We simply cannot allow 80-year-old underground storage tanks that store up to 187 million gallons of fuel per day and that pose such immense threat of leaking and contaminating our environment and water supply to operate 100 feet above Oʻahu’s sole-source drinking water aquifer.

[Share your personal story and how you and your community have been impacted. That personal connection you feel to wanting our water protected holds a lot of weight with decision makers.]

The Red Hill facility – the fragile, antiquated fuel tanks and supporting systems – has a long history of leaking fuel into the surrounding environment and has already contaminated Oʻahu’s primary drinking water aquifer. Shutting down Red Hill immediately and entirely is the only way to guarantee the safety of our water and our people. 

Thank you for the opportunity to testify and for taking up this important measure at the council.


<Your Name>

Verbal testimony is limited to one minute. Register at this link to testify via Zoom. Registrants will receive the Zoom link immediately and an email that contains links and information on joining the meeting by either phone or video conference. Remote testimony will be taken at the start of the agenda and then closed. Zoom testifiers are strongly encouraged to register at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting. 


Hawaii Sierra Club steps in as state orders shutdown of Red Hill fuel tanks


Make sure the Navy does not defy the law while poisoning our water