2023 Year at a Glance

We’re proud to share a snapshot of the impactful work we accomplished together in 2023. Last year was a testament to the power of community, advocacy, and relentless dedication to protecting Hawaiʻi’s ʻāina, wai, and kaiāulu.

With the backing of our over 28,000 members and supporters, we successfully blocked harmful legislation, advanced biosecurity and water rights measures, responded to the Maui fires with critical supplies, protected West and East Maui's streams, distributed hundreds of native plants, expanded our Red Hill campaign, led efforts to combat invasive pests, and more.

View our year at a glance below or download here.

As we look through the rest of 2024, we’re energized and ready to tackle the challenges ahead. With your continued support, we’ll keep fighting for a healthier, more sustainable Hawaiʻi for generations. Please consider a gift of any size today. Together, we’re making a difference—one action, one policy, one conversation at a time.

Mahalo for being part of our journey. Here’s to another year of progress and impact!


Decolonization Series: “Upcharge: Hidden Costs of Monopoly Utilities” Report


Support community-scale energy systems